Wednesday 16 April 2008


Road trip this aft, up to Saskatoon to buy a crokinole board at Lee Valley and read at McNally-Robinson. I'm feeling a little worn out from working late at the annual "midnight breakfast" event at Luther, in which we faculty serve breakfast at night to students studying for exams. I get to run the industrial dishwasher, allowing my inner efficiency-obsessed worker to have his moments.

I may have to pull over for a sunny nap on the road. This morning I went over some details for my launch tomorrow night at Le Bistro. Mainly I want to make sure that people can get their booze without a lot of standing in line. Snacks, candles and tablecloths, low lights--if I didn't have to read every half hour or so I could sit there and have a great time as, I hope, everyone else will.

Then Saturday it's time for the songs of Stan Still at the Freehouse. Good thing I've got a guitar player who can play.


Brenda Schmidt said...

Wish I could be at all of those. Even one of those. Argh. Break a leg! :)

Gerald Hill said...

You do well to get down this way as often as you do, Brenda. I'm looking forward to the Schmidt/Krause thing on the 23rd. So long for now.