Monday 29 November 2010

Poetry Island (1)

Of the 21 poems we read in the first-year class, 11 were just voted off the island, including two of my favourites, "I Knew a Man" (unanimously) and "Anecdote of the Jar".

Among the casualties, innocent by-standers in banished poems, were "the sadness of pencils" ("Dolor", T.Roethke), "a moonless black, / Deep in the brain, far back" ("Night Crow", T.Roethke), "love's the burning boy" ("Casabianca", E.Bishop), "a boy is shot with England on his brain" ("Invasion Summer", L.Lee), "One-woman waterfall" ("Nude Descending a Staircase", X.J.Kennedy) and, one more time, "I placed a jar in Tennessee ("Anecdote of the Jar", W.Stevens).


Brenda Schmidt said...

Voting poems off the island! What next! For voting off "Anecdote of the Jar" you should make them write "Anecdote of the Shark." That'll teach 'em.

The shark was grey and *bared.
It did not give of squid or fish,
Like nothing else in the sea.

*Bared as in teeth. Get it!

Gerald Hill said...

No, "bared" leads to "bored" and that won't work.