Sunday 9 September 2012

"Hillsdale, a Map"

Jared Carlson and I had agreed to prepare sweets to go with the wine for the launch of our map, which took place the night before last in his downtown Regina studio.
"I sourced out my baking," he told me, gesturing to the crabapple pastry, chocolate strawberries and other delights. I brought a variety of oatmeal cookies but forgot "pumpkin muffins by Alice Hill" (I had the label ready) I'd made that morning. Jared said his family--his wife Christina, parents and in-laws, siblings, kids--weren't used to art openings, but man, they're obviously used to what hospitality means.
It was huge fun, especially the mix of writers, Globe Theatre folks, Hillsdalians past and present, strangers, Luther folks. Jared and I delivered short presentations, each of us pulling down a pashmilla scarf to reveal one side of our map. Other than that, lots of wine and sweets and chit-chat.
I love the deep tiredness after a peak experience like that, both culmination of the map's production and initiation of its public life.
If you want a copy, let me know.


Bernadette said...

Oh, Gerry, I'm so sorry I didn't make it to the launch. I received two big bags of assorted produce from a friend. I had to start preserving them -- the produce, not the friend -- on Friday simply because there's so much! I still have several cucumbers and some plums left to take care of.

And yes, I'd love a copy!

Gerald Hill said...

Trade you a map for some produce.

Medr1e said...

Finally -- a map that I actually enjoy folding and unfolding!

Gerald Hill said...

Go ahead, wear it out, buy another one!

Bernadette said...

Hey, you're on! Jam? Jelly? Mustard pickles? Bread'n'butter pickles?

Gerald Hill said...

I'll take a bread'n butter please.